Kuerz Beschreiwung:

Self-adhesive wire is a layer of self-adhesive coating coated on enameled wire such as polyurethane, polyester or polyester imide. The self-adhesive layer can generate bonding characteristics through high temperature hot air. The winding wire becomes a self-adhesive tight coil through the bonding action of the self-adhesive layer. In some applications, it can eliminate skeleton, tape, dip paint, etc., and reduce the coil volume and processing cost. D'Firma ginn op d'Fräiheetsverolater an selbstbesem Leid mat verschiddenen eegenen uellen Drock, esou wéi CopTERATORT ALTERATIVE GEBUERS VUN D'Erbaarmung vun eise Sécherheetsgürercher vun enger Villheet vun selbstverbandterlech Debigel, sou wéi mir och Kaddhiger pure copper, aluminum, Please select the suitable wire according to the usage.

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Hot Loft selbstänneg

Hot air self-adhesive is by blowing hot air on the wire during the winding process. D'Temperatur vun der waarmer Loft um Dierkung ass typéiert tëscht 120 ° C an 230 ° Lëtzebuerg. Dës Method funktionnéiert fir déi meescht Uwendungen.




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