
Suzhou Wujiang Shenzhou Bimetallic Cable Co, Ltd

This is SUZHOU WUJIANG SHENZHOU BIMETALLIC CABLE CO., which is located in Qidu Town, Suzhou city, Jiangsu province which is known as the "cable capital" in China. Shenzhou didegaké ing taun 2006. Kita produsen utama lan pimpinan paling gedhe ing China sing khusus ing peralatan kawat sing dienggo sajrone luwih saka 19 taun; Layanan sing apik lan profesional mbantu kita entuk akeh reputasi sing apik ing saindenging jagad.


So far SHENZHOU has expanded to three enameled wire production bases and one enameled machine factory with a output of more than 2000 tons of enameled CCA wire every month. Shehozu wis dadi pabrikan kawat CCA sing dipimpin ing China kanthi tingkat produksi sing bener 54.

After 19 years development, SHENZHOU's enameled wire products have been applied to various industries , such as Electric motor (including air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, electric tools, industrial motors), Large and Small transformers, Electromagnetic inductance coils, Automobile and electric vehicle Motor, pangisi daya baterei, kumparan swara, balast, relay lan jinis kumparan liyane.

Kontrol kualitas lan stabilitas sing diwenehake produk, ndhukung pangembangan perusahaan Shenzhou sing jangka panjang.